For the last 3 weeks I've been sharing and posting an 8bit themed youtube video every Friday morning via various social networks. I may as well make it a tradition, so it's that day of the week again, making it Friday 8bit Video Giggle Time.
"8bit World and features Hoodie Allen"
Hoodie Allen is a New York based rapper and songwriter. He is definitely worth a watch if you are a fan of hip hop, great flow and none of that American Gangster shit.
Previous Friday 8bit Video Giggle Time:
Game Deaths
Eric Speed - Maniac
Nerd Rage - (Your Favorite Martian music video)
Thanks for sharing Hoodie Allens 8-bit world, it's become a bit of an anthem at the ClickWebDesign office!
ReplyDelete*grin* Glad to be of services... Every office needs an Anthem and a Mascot. I'm glad you are enjoying the posts :-)