Saturday 12 November 2011

It's never too late to start!

I'm 30 years old and I'm female so the odds are already stacked against me.

I'm so overwhelmed by the amount of support networks and groups available within the FOSS community.

I've recently joined the following groups, but would love to hear some suggestions;

  • linuxchix mailing list
  • owoot mailing list
  • drupal - linkedin
Much of what is being discussed and shared is still above and beyond my grasps, but it's comforting knowing that there is a wealth of information sitting right there, waiting to be tapped into.

Thank you to one of my commenters Xanni for informing me about the beginners LUV meetings.

I'll be heading to DrupalDownUnder and LCA2012, my first geek conferences, I'm bubbling with excitement and enthusiasm.  It will be interesting to see friends I've known for years in their elements and giving speeches.


  1. LUV was a good suggestion, have you signed up to their mailing lists as well. I even post occasionally. ;)


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